< Previous| 8 | Manufacturing-Journal Delicate and quiet operation with Alfa Laval’s new robust Twin Screw PumpDesigned for handling fluids which are sensitive, abrasive, and either high or low viscosity, the Alfa Laval Twin Screw Pump is ideal for use in hygienic ap-plications in the dairy, food and bever-age, and personal care industries. “The Twin Screw Pump is the ideal choice for both high and low viscosity liquids, all pumped perfectly with complete reli-ability,” says John Walker, Pump Portfo-lio Manager. Additional benefits of the Alfa Laval Twin Screw Pump are that it is quiet and virtually pulse-free, as well as being smooth and gentle during op-eration. These characteristics make the pump an excellent choice for handling sensitive products. Built on a robust, reliable platform that meets stringent hygienic standards, the pump is capable of handling both product transfer and Cleaning-in-Place (CIP). Its low pulsa-tion characteristics and excellent solids handling capabilities reduce the risk of product damage, thereby improving product quality. Maintenance is sim-plified and process uptime increased. Two-in-one operation provides easy handling of process media of varying viscosities as well as CIP fluids. This sim-plifies piping and pump control, cutting costs and minimizing contamination risks. Superior suction performance with excellent lift capability and low NPSHR provides installation flexibility and increases product recovery.More info: www.alfalaval.comNEWS | Even before officially launching the new product, Compact Dynamic, We-land Solutions has received a first signed purchase order. In the summer of 2019, the facility will be operational at Axelent based in Hillerstorp, with customers worldwide. “The market is moving towards stand-ardized fully automated solutions, making setting focus on automation a natural step for us. Compact Dynamic is our first fully automated goods to man solution, which will respond to the demands of the industry and the rest of the world for efficiency and faster delivery times,” says Björn Karls-son at Weland Solutions.Automation is standard Weland Solutions is investing in fully automated solutions that speak the same language as robotic systems. Five years ago we were a supplier of standard products. Since then, we have increased supply of our custom-ized solutions by 20 percent per year. What happens now is that those so-lutions are being standardized. We have been a long-time major supplier to Siemens, Atlas Copco, Rolls Royce, Jaguar / Landrover who work with fully automated robotic solutions and want to integrate vertical storage lifts into their complete solution. Automa-tion as a business area is growing and naturally gets more focus for us. Today we are an international company and supplier of fully automated solutions.Compact DynamicThe result of one year’s intensive work at Weland Solutions’ development de-partment is here; a brand new fully automatic goods to man solution. The big difference with Compact Dynamic compared to our vertical storage lifts is that it goes from semi-automation to full automation. The goods to man solution means that the product comes to you instead of you going to a storage lift and getting the product. Robotic solutions deliver faster and smarter than a human by far. More info: www.welandsolutions.seWeland Solutions sets focus on automation: New fully automated Compact Dynamic to HillerstorpManufacturing-Journal | 9 |Industrial challengesThe company sees the world as the nat-ural frontier of the business, as a source of opportunity and as a boost to the ex-cellence. Being driven by such attitude it successfully made through all the great industrial changes of the ‘900 up to the challenge of the Fourth Industrial Revo-lution, which characterises early years of the XXI century. The reality was chang-ing and so was Comerio Ercole Spa, the company founded in 1885 that in the very beginning dedicated its activity to the repair of textile machinery for the mills and the factories in Busto Arsizio, that in time evolved, first in the late years of the XIX century extending itself to the production of machinery for the textile industry, then presenting the first machines for the production of rubber (in the 30’s) made especially for the na-tional producers of tyres. This sector has recorded a continuous development, also outside of the tyre branch and in a short period of time became the centre of the productive activity. This growth was also possible thanks to the econom-ic miracle of the 50’s and the consequent motorization of the mass.Evolution of the companyThe new era for Comerio Ercole Spa started in the 60’s with the production of machines for the plastic. It represented the evolution of the know-how gained in the field of the processes of polymer processing, as well as the natural re-sponse to the demand resulting from the progressive and final emergence of the plastic in everyday life. In the 90’s the company introduced a new prod-uct line: calenders for thermal bonding of non-fabrics, which was the perfect adjustment to the extremely innova-FACT BOXComerio Ercole Spa – the synonym of quality and technology since 1885Being always ahead of the technological evolution, updating the offer to the current stand-ards and customers’ needs and understanding the importance of export which always leads to supplying all the main geographical areas of the world – that is how Doc. Riccardo Come-rio, Chief Executive of Comerio Ercole Spa, describes undoubted success of the company.FULL NAME: CEO: INDUSTRY: ESTABLISHED: EMPLOYEES: TURNOVER: Comerio Ercole SpaRiccardo ComerioMachinery and plants for rubber, plastic and nonwovens188520070 MLN €www.comercole.itChief Executive of Comerio ErcoleDoc. Riccardo ComerioARTICLES | Mechanical ConstructionsComerio Ercole| 10 | Manufacturing-Journal tive and constantly expanding market, given the growing needs for materials, disposable in every field of application both civil and industrial. The XXI century has started with the introduction of a new business line dedicated to the pro-cesses of regeneration and recovery of rubber from those out of use. The recy-cling done on a large scale has multiple benefits: environmental, ecological as well as industrial. Since the very begin-ning of its activity, Comerio Ercole Spa has been open to the world. Back in the 1900 - for example - the company par-ticipated in the International Exhibition of Paris. Such strategy has proven to be a very good business move which has guaranteed the current position in the market as a privileged partner of all the major groups active in the tyre sector, for key investments in hand in every part of the world. The export turnover cur-rently exceeds 90% of the annual total. With more than 200 permanent workers, a significant chain of suppliers and sub-contractors, Comerio Ercole Spa has the renown of being a valued player recog-nized internationally.Win-win strategyProfit is what matters to every single company, but what makes Comerio Er-cole Spa unique is the fact that the cus-tomer approach aims to maximize the added value of the project by providing a logical win-win strategy for both par-ties. To achieve this, the company takes advantage of all kinds of innovative and cutting-edge tools for the management of the engineering process phase, giv-ing as an example structural analysis and 3D modelling, integrated manage-ment of technical data and production of the project, simulation and simulta-neous verification of the characteristics of the products. The Comerio Ercole Spa also offers a very important service. As a result of the projects developed and conducted by the R&D team, based on the availability of the two separate labo-ratories, it is possible to develop and test the most innovative products and pro-cesses. This is a great way to – on one hand – experiment with new solutions Because your plant needs a creel room,...every tire needs to be coated,...your clientneeds his tires marked,We Exist To Meet All These NeedsEngineering & ManufacturingGT inner/outer sprayingQuality marking and auto-validationfull room automation with AGVgeral@gislotica.pt . www.gislotica.pt...and otherPORTUGALEuropean Technology| 12 | Manufacturing-Journal to ensure the company keeps up with the new technology, on the other hand to perform tests on a small scale before tackling industrial projects on a large scale, and finally to evaluate beforehand the feasibility of the working process or materials requested by customers.Certified qualityProcess quality is the mantra of Come-rio Ercole Spa, as well as the inspiration and guidance of their everyday activity. In 2000 the company got ISO 9001 certi-fication followed by ISO 14001 in 2008, which proves an extreme sensitivity to all aspects of compliance and environ-mental sustainability. The ISO system, now applied to each organizational level, requires that the processes are conducted in accordance with certain procedures, so that they are repeatable, controllable and of undeniable quality. Even the selection of suppliers, which is the basis of product traceability and control of the supply chain, takes place according to the specific procedures, which involve acquisition of skills based on an algorithm that considers the non-conformity of the product and service. The initial qualification is verified annu-ally. This is done in such way to ensure customers’ expectations are met.New operations’ siteThe Comerio Ercole Spa currently oper-ates in an industrial complex of 38,000 square meters, of which 15,000 are cov-ered. In the nearest future in a short dis-tance a new site of 4,000 square meters is to be open. It will be made especially for the production and construction of spe-cial machines of the Industry 4.0 as well as a new line dedicated to the electrical and electronics design with applications to industrial robotics, always in the pur-suit of maximum integration process in the key Industry 4.0. Comerio Ercole Spa keeps expending their product portfolio through an inventive and innovative ap-proach, which is maintained due to the new patent applications not only at Ital-ian but also European level. The latest innovations introduced to the market are: a new system of integrated control of the calendering process called HY-DROPLUS and a brand new device called HYDROSHOT that ensures performance accuracy with a level of absolute repeat-ability and some innovation in the sec-tor of mixing, especially for automated cycle for high level of productivity.Investment in R&DEvery year Comerio Ercole Spa invests 3% of its turnover in the R&D activities. The latest investment was made in the renewal of the R&D laboratory called LABO 2.0 by creating a work environ-ment that is fully interconnected accord-ing to the paradigm of Smart Factory and the inauguration of the new labora-tory of R&D called LABO 4.0 equipped with the calendering system emulator.Environmental policyComerio Ercole Spa has a very interest-ing approach, very different from most of the companies. From the very be-ginning its business aim was to see the world as a natural horizon of its trade. Every customer is equally important and their full satisfaction is something that leads the way at every level of the production cycle. The markets have changed a lot in the past years and so has - inevitably -company’s approach. It is reflected not only in an increased level of technical complexity and com-petitiveness resulting from the econ-omy and the trade between different countries. It is especially noticeable in the fact that aspects such as corporate social responsibility and environmental sustainability, which before were tar-geted mainly at more sophisticated cus-tomers, are nowadays a basic require-ment and an indispensable element of the algorithms and the models of evaluation of suppliers and investment partners. The business line is dedicated to recycling technology which aims to provide a patented process that, based on core technologies, allows the reuse of large quantities of rubber recovered from used tyres or technical articles at the end of their life. It is the perfect so-lution for the environmental problems, those logistical, economic and health-related, their storage and disposal. To enhance its green status, the company has adopted an environmental policy which encourages the recovery and re-cycling of some types of waste such as scrap metal processing, timber packag-ing, as well as using electricity produced mainly by renewable sources including photovoltaic panels fitted to the sheds. All those newly introduced changes have made Comerio Ercole Spa the com-Manufacturing-Journal | 13 |www.manufacturing-journal.net| 14 | Manufacturing-Journal pany of choice of the customers from both Italy and abroad.Future visionThe only way to grow is to challenge ourselves and move forward with new knowledge and open mind. The push for change will continue enhanced by the fact that new technologies make the world a single market that is increas-ingly small and interconnected. The industry is expected to move forward even further, encouraging the spread of technologies and modus-operandi that today are only known in theory or live in the area of academic experiments. Comerio Ercole Spa sees the new op-portunities especially in the coopera-tive robotics in which advanced robotic systems can interact physically with humans in a shared workspace and cy-bernetic systems. For now it still remains a vision that can become reality in the future. To be prepared for all the new challenges, the company have plans to invest even more in the advanced training of their employees. Important training projects have already been im-plemented. They are dedicated to the dissemination of knowledge and skills in certain areas that are the characteristics of Industry 4.0, such as the VR (virtual re-ality) to be used in the processes of en-gineering and post-sales assistance. Fur-ther investments will be made towards cyber security, since nowadays people become more and more vulnerable to cyber-attacks that could jeopardize the functioning of the productive systems.Long-term perspectiveLooking at the challenges and contin-ues changes that take place in the mar-ket place, it does not make any sense to plan 10 years ahead and make any rea-sonable forecasts, because the key is to react to here and now and at this point it is impossible to know for sure what the future brings. A horizon of 5 years, how-ever, is certainly more balanced. During that time Comerio Ercole Spa is planning to continue their mission that has been going strong throughout 130 years of its history and it lies in “identifying and un-derstanding the expectations and needs of the market, creating products that are reliable and providing high quality ser-vices and technological innovation in a way that is profitable, competitive and sustainable and that guarantees the full satisfaction of customers and the growth of the enterprise, such as a com-munity of people united by history and culture”.ConclusionsThe vision of the company can be cap-tured by quoting a great manager such as Sergio Marchionne: “Be like the gar-deners, invest your energy and your talents in such a way that whatever you do, do it with the same effort your en-tire life or even longer”. Doing business today is a privilege, a risk and a respon-sibility. The company is perfectly aware that unexpected situations and difficul-ties will occur, but Comerio Ercole put their trust in the future and is looking forward to whatever is waiting around the corner.Written by Anna Wąsowicz-SenneManufacturing-Journal | 15 |A story Three Generation LongBausano has been designing and pro-ducing extrusion lines (extrusion is a plastics transformation process that cre-ates objects of a fixed cross-sectional profile, such as pipes/tubes, sheets, and profiles) for plastics processing since 1946. It is a family company, originally established by Clemente Bausano as the Costruzioni Meccaniche Clemente Bausano in Rivarolo Canavese, a small town 30 km north of Turin. In the same year the first Bausano extruder, the TR model, was completed. It had two pen-etrating and counter-rotating screws, and the same method was to be used later in all the subsequent machines. In 1962 the growing firm in need of more space moved to the outskirts of Rivarolo, where the current operational headquarters and main production unit of the Bausano group are still located (the facilities have of course expanded greatly over the years). With the new centre of operations came a change in the company’s legal status, and the cur-rent name of Bausano & Figli S.p.a. was adopted. Twenty years later came the technological breakthrough that truly put Bausano on the map - Multidrive, a ground-breaking new transmission system was introduced. It uses four mo-tors per machine and was designed and produced to eliminate torsional stress on the control shafts and split stress and transmitted torque. Multidrive 4x2 reduces the torque effort of each motor and gear wheel by 25%, improving im-mensely the durability and performance of the extruder. In 1993 Bausano made history as the first company in Italy to get a ISO 9001 certificate for quality of production and management. In 1999 the South American branch Bausano do Brasil was established in Sao Paulo, which has since then become the lead-FACT BOXGlobal extrusion line market leader made in ItalyBausano is a manufacturer of plastic extrusion machines and accessory equipment associ-ated with the extrusion process. Its complete, high quality product line, experience customer service, and focus on R&D have made Bausano an international leader in its sector.FULL NAME: VICE PRESIDENT: INDUSTRY: ESTABLISHED: EMPLOYEES: BAUSANO & FIGLI SPAClemente BausanoExtruder Manufacturing194690-120www.bausano.comARTICLES | Extrusion production machineryBausano| 16 | Manufacturing-Journal ing extruders producers on the South American market. Since then Bausano expanded onto the North American and Indian markets by opening a branch in San Diego and setting up a joint venture with one of the foremost Indian extru-sion lines manufactures: Rajoo Engi-neers Ldt. in Rajkot.Products and servicesThe flagship products of Bausano & Figli S.p.a are its single and twin-screw ex-truders. Single Screw extruders, TM se-ries, are available in a wide range, start-ing with 25mm all the way to 120mm, all with high reliability and production ca-pacity. High performance extruders can be completed with dedicated down-stream, and for particular processing it is also possible to combine a single-screw extruder with a twin-screw. The counter rotating twin-screw MD Plus extrud-ers for plastic materials are the ones equipped with Bausano’s patented Mul-tidrive 4x2 transmission system. This sys-tem, which relies on distributing the mo-tion on four different points. This boosts the power available on screws and re-duces energy consumption, and at the same time improves the durability of shafts and gear box. The twin-screw ex-truders are ideal for managing high pro-duction levels (the machines use multi-stage thrust bearings make it possible to triple the dynamic load) and have a wide processing window. The MD Plus extruders can be customized with gravi-metric, volumetric or multi component supply systems, and further custom-made solutions can be implemented to fulfill customers’ requirements. They are used to manufacture various products with a wide range of applications, such as rigid pipes with wide cross-section, flexible pipes with small diameter, from smooth to corrugated pipes, monolayer to multilayer products and thermoplas-tic pipes with diameters starting from a few millimeters up to 1,600 mm. Every extrusion line is equipped with cool-ing, calibration benches, take off cut-ting units, all outfitted with additional measures for energy saving. Pipes cre-ated using Bausano’s extruders find use in automotive (air conveyance pipes, ca-ble pipelines), petrochemical (transport of gases and hydrocarbons) and medi-cal industries (small pipes for medicinal products and dental pipes), as well as in construction (transport of liquids, high pressure drainage), telecommunica-tion (cable protection pipes) and agri-culture (irrigation pipes). The company also offers extrusion lines for produc-tion of granules from various types of plastic materials for subsequent mold-ing, extrusion or calendaring. Bausano has also developed Polywood technol-Manufacturing-Journal | 17 |ogy to manufacture WPC (Wood Plastic Composite, produced with a mixture of polymers and plant components such as wood dust) profiles and other WPC products (profiles, laminates and gran-ules). It allows to extrude the profile di-rectly from local raw material, without formulation constraints. Thanks to the Polywood technology it is possible to utilize wood industry waste products to create profiles that display the best traits of both components (plastic and wood). Bausano’s main commitment is to se-cure minimal environmental impact and WPC products is 100 % recyclable. Due to their reliability and longevity WPC and plastic profiles made with Bausono’s extrusion lines are in high demand in the construction industry for windows, roller shutters, doors and windowsills, electric conduits, staff angles etc.Supporting the clientsBausano’s strong position on the global market was not achieved solely by the virtue of its products high quality, but also by forming strong partnerships and providing customers with all the neces-sary pre- and after sales support. It is the company policy that customer loyalty is build on customer satisfaction, and a competitive business environment necessitates working hard and taking full advantage of modern methods to build lasting business relationships. A direct support service is always on call for troubleshooting and gathering feed-back, and technicians respond within 24 hours of a client’s request, limiting any production plant downtime. An-other important way Bausano ensures its customers only suffer minimal down-time in case of any technical issues is a complete catalogue of original spare parts. The company stocks all the main spare parts for its products, including even the discontinued ones. The com-pany’s efforts are directed at developing its current markets with new products and new market with current products, expand the customer base and increas-ing brand. With 70 years of experience, a passion for innovation, and its ability to reach clients in any country, Bausano is sure to achieve that objective, and ex-ceed it in the future, as it will continue to supply its customers with advanced equipment of the finest quality for years to come. Written by Andrzej KaczmarczykNext >