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Deliveries from the Volvo Group’s truck operations in August 2013 amounted to
12,864 vehicles. This was a decrease of 4% compared with the year-earlier month.
Volvo Group
Total deliveries by market for all brands (Volvo, Mack, Renault Trucks, UD and
Delivered      August         Change                       Year         Change
Units                                                      -to
Volvo Group    2013    2012*                               2013   2012
Europe         3 774   4 617  -18%                         45     53    -15%
                                                           457    345
   Western     2 921   3 133  -7%                          35     40    -12%
Europe                                                     576    351
   Eastern     853     1 484  -43%                         9 881  12    -24%
Europe                                                            994
North America  3 188   3 287  -3%                          28     34    -18%
                                                           041    394
South America  2 598   2 326  12%                          18     14    29%
                                                           843    640
Asia           2 137   2 137                               17     20    -14%
                                                           572    447
Other markets  1 167   1 083  8%                           10     11    -10%
                                                           250    326
Total Volvo    12 864  13     -4%                          120    134   -10%
Group                  450                                 163    152
Light duty (<  562     833    -33%                         8 015  10    -22%
7t)                                                               264
Medium duty    1 108   1 217  -9%                          10     13    -23%
(7-16t)                                                    361    396
Heavy duty     11 194  11     -2%                          101    110   -8%
(>16t)                 400                                 787    492
Total Volvo    12 864  13     -4%                          120    134   -10%
Group                  450                                 163    152
Eicher (100%)  2 373   3 067  -23%                         22     26    -15%
                                                           399    476
DND (100%)     17      31     -45%                         162    321   -50%
Total Volumes  15 254  16     -8%                          142    160   -11%
                       548                                 724    949
*Restated for new accounting rules, effective January 1, 2013, where 50/50 joint
-ventures are consolidated using the equity method instead of the proportionate
In August 7,590 Volvo trucks were delivered, an increase of 6% compared with the
same month last year.
In Europe 2,204 vehicles were delivered during August, down by 4% compared with
August 2012. An extensive product renewal is under way with five new truck
models; Volvo FH, Volvo FM, Volvo FMX, Volvo FE and Volvo FL. All the new models
include innovations and features that make the driver’s job easier and more
August deliveries in North America decreased 2% to 1,708 vehicles in comparison
with the same period last year.
August deliveries in South America increased 19% to 2,368 trucks compared with
August 2012. Deliveries in Brazil increased 17% to 2,032 compared with the same
period last year.
Deliveries by market area:
Delivered Units      August        Change  Year-to-date    Change
Volvo                2013   2012           2013    2012
Europe               2 204  2 306  -4%     25 084  27 188  -8%
   Western Europe    1 539  1 316  17%     16 832  17 541  -4%
   Eastern Europe    665    990    -33%    8 252   9 647   -14%
North America        1 708  1 745  -2%     15 565  17 646  -12%
South America        2 368  1 992  19%     16 820  12 320  37%
Asia                 858    753    14%     7 616   6 925   10%
Other markets        452    353    28%     3 585   3 846   -7%
Total Volvo          7 590  7 149  6%      68 670  67 925  1%
Medium duty (7-16t)  88     104    -15%    1 043   1 128   -8%
Heavy duty (>16t)    7 502  7 045  6%      67 627  66 797  1%
Total Volvo          7 590  7 149  6%      68 670  67 925  1%
Deliveries for Mack in August totaled 1,730 vehicles, an 8% decrease compared
with August 2012.
Deliveries by market area:
Delivered Units    August        Change  Year-to-date    Change
Mack               2013   2012           2013    2012
Europe                    15     -100%   1       26      -96%
   Western Europe                        1
   Eastern Europe         15     -100%           26      -100%
North America      1 456  1 493  -2%     12 167  16 320  -25%
South America      164    295    -44%    1 382   1 542   -10%
Asia               2      1      100%    14      30      -53%
Other markets      108    86     26%     637     755     -16%
Total Mack         1 730  1 890  -8%     14 201  18 673  -24%
Heavy duty (>16t)  1 730  1 890  -8%     14 201  18 673  -24%
Total Mack         1 730  1 890  -8%     14 201  18 673  -24%
Renault Trucks
In August 2,008 trucks were delivered by Renault Trucks which was a decrease by
30% compared to a year ago. In Western Europe, deliveries decreased by 24% while
deliveries in Eastern Europe were down by 61%
In June, Renault Trucks launched a completely new truck program, with four
different truck series; the T-series for long haulage, the C-series for
construction, the K-series for heavy construction and the D-series for
distribution. Production of certain models of the new ranges has started and the
first deliveries are expected in September.
Deliveries by market area:
Delivered Units       August        Change  Year-to-date    Change
Renault Trucks        2013   2012           2013    2012
Europe                1 570  2 296  -32%    20 372  26 131  -22%
   Western Europe     1 382  1 817  -24%    18 743  22 810  -18%
   Eastern Europe     188    479    -61%    1 629   3 321   -51%
North America         12     3      300%    86      57      51%
South America         58     23     152%    541     687     -21%
Asia                  94     289    -67%    1 387   2 517   -45%
Other markets         274    260    5%      3 081   3 498   -12%
Total Renault Trucks  2 008  2 871  -30%    25 467  32 890  -23%
Light duty (< 7t)     412    686    -40%    7 128   8 993   -21%
Medium duty (7-16t)   283    358    -21%    4 254   4 596   -7%
Heavy duty (>16t)     1 313  1 827  -28%    14 085  19 301  -27%
Total Renault Trucks  2 008  2 871  -30%    25 467  32 890  -23%
In August 2013, UD Trucks delivered 1,536 trucks, which was on the same level as
compared to August last year.
Deliveries by market area:
Delivered Units      August        Change  Year-to-date    Change
UD                   2013   2012*          2013    2012
North America        12     46     -74%    223     371     -40%
South America        8      16     -50%    100     91      10%
Asia                 1 183  1 094  8%      8 555   10 975  -22%
Other markets        333    384    -13%    2 947   3 227   -9%
Total UD             1 536  1 540  0%      11 825  14 664  -19%
Light duty (< 7t)    150    147    2%      887     1 271   -30%
Medium duty (7-16t)  737    755    -2%     5 064   7 672   -34%
Heavy duty (>16t)    649    638    2%      5 874   5 721   3%
Total UD             1 536  1 540  0%      11 825  14 664  -19%
Non-consolidated operations
DND (100%)           17     31     -45%    162     321     -50%
Total volumes        1 553  1 571  -1%     11 987  14 985  -20%
*Restated for new accounting rules, effective January 1, 2013, where 50/50 joint
-ventures are consolidated using the equity method instead of the proportionate
Deliveries of Eicher trucks in August decreased by 23% to 2,373 trucks compared
to the same month last year.
Deliveries by market area:
Delivered Units      August        Change  Year-to-date    Change
Eicher (100%)        2013   2012           2013    2012
Asia                 2 373  3 067  -23%    22 399  26 476  -15%
Total Eicher         2 373  3 067  -23%    22 399  26 476  -15%
Light duty (< 7t)    369    362    2%      3 055   3 219   -5%
Medium duty (7-16t)  1 390  2 077  -33%    14 430  17 725  -19%
Heavy duty (>16t)    614    628    -2%     4 914   5 532   -11%
Total Eicher         2 373  3 067  -23%    22 399  26 476  -15%
*As of 2013 Eicher is reported under the equity method and consequently sales
and deliveries are not consolidated in to the Volvo Group

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