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Rigid box specialist Pollard Boxes has taken the award for Best Luxury Personal Care Pack at the Luxury Packaging Awards for its presentation box designed to house ghd’s top of the range Aura hairdryer.

The Aura features innovative technology to allow better styling.  To reflect this premium positioning and pricing, the pack had to convey a luxury image and create a gifting experience while remaining on brand and cohesive with the rest of the ghd product range.

The eye-catching box created by Pollard Boxes combines ghd brand colours with dots that are embossed in foil.  These both give the box a tactile quality and also create the effect of a shimmering wave of air, which glints and catches the eye in the light.  The same embossed finish is used for the ghd logo printed below the design, along with the name of the product.

Equally important, the robust and solid construction of the box protects the hairdryer as well as reflecting its quality.  It also allows consumers to keep the box to store the hairdryer between uses. 

The judging panel at the awards said it was a ‘well-structured box, with considerable attention to detail in all elements of the manufacturing’ making it ‘stand out on shelf’ whilst translating the quality of the product it contained.

“We are delighted to win this very prestigious award,” comments Pollard Boxes’ commercial director Peter Conner.


“It is a tribute to the expertise and hard work of everyone here at Leicester and it also demonstrates that UK design and manufacturing skills are very much alive and well.”

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