The Volvo Group once again qualifies for the Dow Jones Sustainability World
Index (DJSI). The Volvo Group receives a particularly good rating for its
implementation of the environmental policy and management systems.
In this ranking, the world’s 3,000 largest companies are assessed on the basis
of their strategies, implementation and results in areas such as business
ethics, environmental consideration and social criteria with the focus on their
ability to generate long-term value. The Volvo Group is among the top 300
companies included on the list. There are companies across all industries with a
common denominator; they outperform their peers in numerous sustainability
The Volvo Group has been acknowledged for its great improvement of how the
organisation works with anti-competitive business practices as well as its clear
direction and focus for guiding its corporate citizenship and philanthropy
programs. Other highlighted areas are the Volvo Group’s dedication to innovation
for both products and processes.
“The DJSI is a very important index to us. It explains how we work and what we
do to create value for all our stake-holders. Getting endorsement from such a
respected and credible organisation is extremely valuable when liaising with our
stakeholders and especially so for our relations with the capital markets. I’m
happy and proud that the Volvo Group has qualified yet again”, says Malin Ripa,
Senior Vice President, CSR at the Volvo Group.
The Dow Jones Sustainability Index ranks the world’s foremost companies in terms
of their sustainability efforts. The annual review is based on analysis of the
various companies’ business ethics, environmental achievements and social
performance with special focus on areas such as corporate governance, risk
management, brand management, climate issues, supplier and customer relations
and the work environment. The review of input data is conducted by RobecoSAM in
Switzerland, and generally has considerable influence on which investments are
made by funds and individuals who formulate their investment decisions based on
criteria such as ethics and sustainability.