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SPLAT is a leading developer and manufacturer of professional solutions for oral care, household eco chemicals, and children’s cosmetics.

The company’s products are made of the best ingredients of leading world producers in their own modern eco factory situated in an ecologically clean area of the Valdai. SPLAT specializes in creating high-quality products, which have no analogues in the world.

15 years of successful history
In 2001, the dream to make at least one person a day happier was transformed into idea of the creation of innovative, vibrant and effective oral care products under the SPLAT brand. From that year the company’s mission is to help people be healthy, beautiful and successful. In 2004, the desire to get to know people, who loved SPLAT products, prompted Evgeny Demin, the company’s CEO, write a letter to the customers with the toothpaste attached. He received more than 2,000 responses to his first letter, and since then the letters become a useful tradition of SPLAT. For 12 years the company has received tens of thousands of messages from customers, and no letter remain unanswered. In 2008, SPLAT began active export of its products, which appeared on store shelves in Belarus, Ukraine, the Baltic countries and Kazakhstan. Today the company’s products are available in more than 40 countries, including Germany, Turkey, Italy and China. The congress Russian gazelles - the most dynamic companies of the Russian medium-sized businesses brought SPLAT the Grand Prix in the Calling grandees nomination. A year later SPLAT became number 1 Russian brand in the Russian market of oral hygiene (according to AC Nielsen). In 2011, Stanford University placed SPLAT among the top 30 most dynamically developing Russian brands. In 2012, the company received the Golden Mercury National Prize as Best exporting enterprises in the sphere of consumer goods production. The rapid expansion of the export business pushed the company in 2013 to receive Halal Food Certification. This certificate confirmed that SPLAT does not use genetically modified substances and components of animal origin and never conduct product testing on animals. In 2014, the company ranked second in market share in the category of toothpastes, and the Snob - Made in Russia project announced SPLAT Company of the Year. In 2016 SPLAT took a record share of the Russian market (more than 17%). This excellent result is another reason for the company to develop, to do more than has already been done, and always justify the confidence of buyers.

Innovative products, advanced technology
Today, the company’s factory produces more than 200 kinds of products. In addition to innovative means for oral care for children and adults, the company produces a range of eco-friendly home care products BioMio, natural cosmetics with organic ingredients for babies and moms LALLUM Baby and natural hair care treatments HEYA. Thanks to the unique components from the best manufacturers the products are safe and recommended for daily use. In 2010, the company has completely shifted its production to the new Organic Pharmaceuticals factory, located in the city Okulovka Novgorod region. The new production is organized on the principle of environmental awareness and meets the highest international standards of quality management system, which is confirmed by certificates ISO 14001, ISO 9001 and GMP Cosmetics. The basic rule: the maximum treatment of incoming raw materials (air and water, compliance with hygiene standards in the work of employees and others.), minimization and recycling of waste. To conserve power, all rooms are equipped with LED lighting and heat recovery ventilation systems are used. Also, the there is a multi-stage system of air emission control and 3 water treatment systems - storm, industrial and domestic. For the production of toothpaste Organic Pharmaceuticals Factory uses the most modern reactors with a unique triple stirring system, allowing to achieve excellent homogenization. Climate control system of production and warehouse enables to maintain the required temperature and humidity. Accredited microbiological laboratory carries out all the necessary range of microbiological tests of incoming raw materials, the internal working environment and the finished product. The high efficiency of all SPLAT products was confirmed during the tests in leading institutes of Russia, the EU and Japan.

Strategic potential
At the heart of the creation of the products are 4 principles: the idea, the quality, the sustainability and the results. Therefore, the value of goods under the brand name SPLAT is always higher than the price. That is why the buyer receives an excellent affordable innovative product of really high quality without incorporated cost for advertising. SPLAT annually expands the range by launching new categories and the expansion of existing product lines. In 2016, SPLAT already released a new series of toothpaste Professional, 2 series of children’s toothpastes and a new category for the company - hair care. SPLAT regularly increases the efficiency and professionalism of the team (consisting of 1500 people) and strengthens it with the competent and responsible people. The company not only listens to its customers, but also anticipates their expectations. No question asked by the consumer remains unanswered. Besides the main communication channels (telephone, company websites, social networks), communication with customers takes place through more personal channels - letters from Evgeny Demin attached to each pack of SPLAT toothpaste. For 12 years of existence of this tradition, tens of thousands of messages have been received, which SPLAT always listens and works with an objective criticism. Reviews are treated by the company as a compass, a way to improve the product, and for buyers it’s the argument to trust the company that listens to them. SPLAT is most proud of its customers whose number constantly grows. More than 10 million families choose SPLAT products and note that the value of these products is much higher than the price.

Investments and plans for further development
SPLAT products are exported to more than 45 countries around the world, from Spain to China, from Baltics to Singapore and Thailand. Besides Russia, SPLAT has offices in Latvia, Germany, Turkey, UK, Ukraine, Belarus, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan and China. In the near future, after package adaptation for France and Italy, the full-fledged cooperation with partners in these countries will start. Also this year, the company plans to start selling in India, Iran, as well as to expand its presence in the Middle East. The next two years should bring an expansion of North and South America markets. At the moment, SPLAT is collecting the necessary data and preparing for certification. In 2013 the company started the implementation of its own projects of import substitution and is currently expanding Organic Pharmaceuticals factory through the construction of a new plant for the production of toothbrushes and tubes of toothpaste SPLAT. In addition, over the next two years, capacity increase for the production of toothpaste reached over 30%. These projects involve investment in new production facilities and equipment in the territory of the municipal district Okulovskaya Novgorod region in the total volume of more than 550 mln rubles without VAT until 2018. Implementation of the project in 2019 will provide new jobs for at least 100 people and will have a significant social impact on the development of Okulovsky District. SPLAT plans to launch new products which will certainly comply with the company’s mission: To help people be healthy, beautiful and successful. Thanks to well-functioning system of business process management and control at different stages SPLAT can guarantee 100% confidence that products are effective, safe, and most importantly - made with love. The high efficiency of all SPLAT products was confirmed during the tests in leading institutes of Russia, the EU and Japan. Each of the products aimed at a comprehensive solution of tasks. Rapid implementation of innovation and sensitivity to the market demands are helping to create a new standard of quality in terms of oral care, baby care & home care. In the future the company plans to keep significant growth pace of gazelle company, continue to expand the range, both in the category of oral care, and other categories, as well as to continue the expansion of export activities. 

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