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The establishment of EKO-ENERGIA took place in the year 2000 and was connected with the restructuring of the former Renovation Department of Tadeusz Sendzimir Steelworks in Kraków, in the southern part of Poland. The newly created company was based on the property and estate of the division.

Since the beginnings of the business activity the technical and engineering as well as production personnel of the enterprise has increased fourfold. At the current moment, EKO-ENERGIA is in possession of two production works equipped with machine tools of various types, tools of vertical as well as horizontal transport, innovative welding as well as measurement instruments. It is worth to mention that the Electrical Department of the enterprise has got its own Test and Control Station. Owing to that, it is possible to deliver to the customers precisely inspected and tested products. The company has been also the general contractor of one of the biggest turnkey projects in the southern part of Poland. It has been namely the construction of a power supply station of a water conditioning station for a cooling system of thermomechanic MULPIC rolling at the Częstochowa Steelworks. – If it had not been for the restructuring of the steelwork industry, most probably the company would not come into existence. At the time of our establishment, we were a group of 70 people. We are much bigger now – recalls Mr. Czesław Balak, the President of the company. At the current moment the company serves the electrical, power and mechanical industry, with the power industry in the centre of its business ventures.

Customers’ appreciation

The list of the enterprise’s customers is long and includes a number of the most significant market players, e.g.: Arcelor Mittal Poland S.A., Siemens-VAI Metals Technologies GmbH, Danieli Centro Combustion Italy, Kompania Węglowa S.A., Stalprodukt, Instal Kraków S.A. and many others. The reason behind their long-term and partnership based business relations with EKO-ENERGIA is the quality of the products. It has been one of the most important factors stimulating the development of the company. –The quality focus and the repeatability of our services have gained us a number of loyal customers. The fact that the manufactures’ quality lies in our hands, mobilizes us not only to exceed the expectations of the customers, but also to take on new quality-oriented commissions – says Mr. Balak. He emphasizes simultaneously that what also played a crucial role in the development of
EKO-ENERGIA have been its availability and the readiness to get involved into new ventures. The President is more than sure that the virtues will constitute the strategic potential of the company and guarantee its further growth. The top quality goal is to be achieved through improvement of the organizational and managerial systems, implementation of new technologies, incessant upgrading of the customer service as well as using top-quality materials and developing the qualifications of the personnel. The ambition of the company is also to continuously increase the effectiveness of all processes taking place at the company. – With regard to that we would like to take advantage of the European Union funds. We are going to elaborate and apply for the EU money – says Mr. Balak. There is no doubt that what will help EKO-ENERGIA to put the priority into practice, is its quality system meeting the requirements of ISO 9001:2000 norms. In fact, the quality focus of the enterprise has been perceived in the Marka z Jakością (A brand with quality) completion organized by Zarządzanie Jakością (Quality Management), a magazine dedicated fully to the issues of upgrading quality management systems. EKO-ENERGIA is one of the five laureates of the first edition of the competition. The distinction came in 2008. The quality focus was also an important reasons behind one of the most unique orders that EKO-ENERGIA took up to. One of the first projects that it was commissioned, was to change the cracked tongue of Dzwon Zygmunta (Sigismund’s Bell) located at the Kraków Wawel Castel, the symbol of Poland’s continuity. The Bell is put into motion only on special occasions and it lets the inhabitants of Kraków know that something extraordinary has happened. The assignment was complicated – it required peculiar preparations and involved technologies designed only for this task. The effort was worth it – the historic Bell was put back at the Wawel Castel.

Research & Development

The company is however aware that the quality characteristic of its manufactures may not be enough to face the challenges of the ever more competitive market. Due to that it cooperates in a number of research projects organized by the most prestigious universities and research institutes of Poland. Some of the undertakings included a number of foreign partners. One of the projects was to construct an integrated system of influencing and maintaining the operational reliability of a carrier construction of a platform gantry. A comprehensive system of controlling the system’s movement allowed not only to decrease the cost of the tool’s usage and handling. It increased the safety of the personnel working with it as well as allowed to automate the tool and guarantee effective adaptation to changeable exploitation conditions and users’ requirements. With regards to R&D, the company is also active in the area of international cooperation. At the turn of May and June 2004 EKO-ENERGIA coordinated the organization of a Polish-German Culture and Ecology Festival patronized by a German foundation Europäische Festspiel Initiative e.V. and the President of the city of Kraków. What grew into a tradition are seminars and pre-feast-day meetings with clients and well as business partners. Thanks to them, it is possible to integrate the employees of various companies as well as exchange ideas and novelties from science areas, which are in interest of the events’ participants. It is also a good opportunity to present the hitherto achievements and possibilities of the company.

Ins and outs of the offer

The offer of EKO-ENERGIA is addressed to companies representing electrical, mechanical as well the power industry. The enterprise is also ready to take on special commissions. As far as the electrical industry is concerned, the company is in possession of an extended repair workshop, which allows to conduct renovation or repair works of low and medium voltage electrical machines (of all world-wide producers), dry and oil transformers, control and switchboard apparatus as well as replacement parts to this machines and electromagnets. In order to meet the requirements of the customers, EKO-ENERGIA can conduct even the most comprehensive renovation job not only at its works but also at the premises of the client. This solution is very convenient for the customers – it decreases the cost of the renovation. What is more, the qualified and experienced engineers of EKO-ENERGIA are always available for technical advice. The same concerns organization of specialist workshop and other trainings.

What the power industry can purchase at EKO-ENERGIA company are:

- rotary machines – among others: medium and high pressure rotor pumps, blast machines and ventilators, air conditioning tools and ball grinders,  
- renovation and workmanship of systems and fittings (pipelines and water systems, systems of technical gases and compressed air, ventilation and air conditioning systems, stream and water caldrons),  
- modernization, repairs and workmanship of stream caldrons, boiler rooms, gas reduction stations, water pump rooms, 
- environment protection devices: electro-filters, sag filters, cyclones and multi-cyclones, sewage treatment plants, water treatment stations,
- repairs of industrial fittings: bolts, valves, throttles.

A supplement to the offer dedicated to power and electrical industry is machining. The following services are available: rolling up to fi 1250mm, drilling up to fi 50mm, turning up to fi lOOmm, L-lOOOmm. 

In this area the company is also able to conduct:

- repair works of leverage tools according to UDT authorizations, 
- workmanship and assembly of untypical equipment, light steel constructions and stuffing of hydrogen generators, 
- assembly of machine tools, press and technological lines. 

EKO-ENERGIA is also able to deliver to its customers some special services. They include for example: comprehensive assembly and workmanship of forcible hydraulics installations as well as maintenance of appliance movement. –We always have been doing our best to extend the product offer, so we do not exclude that we will have even more to offer in the nearest future – claims the President.

Large or medium sized company?

At the current moment the company employs around 250 people. The figure has been stable for the last couple of years and formally it puts EKO-ENERGIA at the borderline between a medium and a large sized company. Nevertheless, as far as the worth of some of the enterprise’s projects is concerned, it is without doubt a large market player. What is more, it intends to confirm that with a step outside of the Polish borders. The plan of entering foreign markets is however very tentative and it has not yet been decided which countries it will include. –Within the last five years, one of the most important changes on the Polish market has been the mutual permeation between the markets. Local companies decide to move abroad and simultaneously our market has to deal with another competitor from overseas. We would like to take advantage of this transition – says Mr. Balak. 

Written by Aleksandra Strojek





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