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The main direction of activity of Mekhanoremontnyi Сomplex is the production of replacement equipment and spare parts for technological units of metallurgical and ore-dressing industries, the production of new aggregates and parts, the development of structures and their modernization.

The company also provides repairs and maintenance of mechanical, electric steelmaking and lifting equipment of metallurgical and ore-dressing industries.

The most important moments
in company’s development
In 1930, on the basis of the central workshops of the mechanical, blacksmith, foundry and boiler shops, the mechanical service MMK was created. In this form it existed until 1991, when, on the initiative of the chief engineer, a mechanical repair plant Mars was established. This event can be considered the most significant, as the history of the company as a separate enterprise began with the formation of the plant Mars. On November 26, 1999, the decision of the Board of Directors of OJSC MMK established a closed joint-stock company Mekhanoremontnyi Complex (MRС), which included 13 shops. At that time, the specialization of MRС was the production of equipment, replacement spare parts and the provision of repair services to the parent enterprise MMK. In 2014, workshops specializing in service and repairs were transferred to another company of the MMK Group - United Service Company, which ultimately formed the MRС as an exclusively production enterprise. In April 2016, the organization was transformed into Mekhanoremontnyi Complex, in what form it exists today.

Strategic potential
The undoubted strategic advantage of LLC MRС is belonging to the group of PJSC MMK, which provides an unflagging flow of orders for spare parts and equipment. In addition to providing efficiency, LLC MRС acts as the manufacturer of a significant part of products and units for large-scale construction and reconstruction at PJSC MMK. During the joint work, LLC MRС received a huge experience in the production of all kinds of products for all possible technological processes of metallurgical production. The obtained experience is successfully applied when working with other enterprises of the industry. The success of the company consists of three components: terms, quality, customer-oriented. Extensive technological production capabilities, as well as extensive experience in the industry, allow MRСto comply with these requirements, which ensures a stable position of the company.

Production process and main products
The main task of LLC MRC is timely provision of PJSC MMK with spare parts for trouble-free operation and elimination of downtime. In addition to PJSC MMK, MRC products are supplied to the leading metallurgical enterprises of the Russian Federation and the countries of the former USSR. The company occupies very strong positions in the production of technological dishes: slag bowls, molds, ladles, etc. The company’s production facilities have huge opportunities in the field of large-scale casting. In Russia, only a few enterprises can manufacturesuch products. In addition to metallurgy, MRC has extensive experience in manufacturing and supplying products for the mining and processing industry to the largest companies specializing in mining and beneficiation of minerals. The main products for this industry are replaceable spare parts operating under conditions of increased abrasive load: armor plates, lining, cone crushers, etc. In the production of these products, both standard manganese steels and more modern chromium-molybdenum are used. MRC includes seven production departments: a foundry shop, a metalwork shop, a roll grinder shop and four machining workshops. In the foundry there is a CHMline (cold-hardening mixtures) produced by FAT, electric arc furnaces with a volume of 6 and 25 tons and an induction furnace with a capacity of 10 tons. At the moment, the production is being modernized. The machine park includes the machines of Skoda, Uniport, Robofil, Sodick, Mikron, Roboform and other foreign and Russian manufacturers. The steel grinding and metalwork shop are also equipped with modern equipment.

Company activity for the last few years
Until recently, production was set up exclusively to meet the needs of the parent company - PJSC MMK. In recent years, the situation has changed significantly and to date, MRC is one of the leading producers of technological utensils and metallurgical equipment in Russia, and the share of MRC on the market of these products is steadily growing. Currently, cost planning is a rather difficult task due to frequent changes in market conditions. The difficulty lies in the fact that in addition to predictable production and seasonal factors, the political situation in the world and changes within the countries supplying raw materials have a powerful impact on the market. An example is the sharp jump in prices for graphite electrodes in 2017, caused by a decline in production by Chinese companies, or a jump in aluminum prices in March-April 2018. However, despite the difficult situation on the market, the company’s strategy allowed it to raise profits in the period from 2010 to 2017 by more than 10 times.

Export and new markets expansion
Approximately 10% of the sales to outside customers (not belonging to the group of PJSC MMK) are for export. This is mainly Belarus and Kazakhstan. Negotiations are ongoing on deliveries with consumers from other countries of the former USSR and Europe. At the moment the company is actively working in the direction of deliveries of replacement equipment for ore mining and processing. Moreover, the range of products includes, in addition to Russian equipment, spare parts for European-made units made from special steel grades.

Mission and vision
MRC’s mission is, undoubtedly, to ensure trouble-free operation of the shops of PJSC MMK.The main value for LLC MRC is the personnel. Workshops, machine tools, production lines, regardless of their perfection, cannot work without human participation, which is why the main task of management, besides production, is to ensure comfortable working conditions for employees. For MRC LLC, the social orientation of the company is one of the priority issues. For employees and their families, health, cultural events, excursions, sports competitions are constantly held.At the moment, more than 4,200 people work for MRC.

New investments and products
LLC MRС annually plans funds for updating and improving production assets. The investment program for 2018 includes the acquisition of new modern metalworking equipment, modernization of foundry and forging and pressing production. Today, the technology of production of lining elements from chromium-molybdenum steels is mastered, which will partially meet the needs of the Russian market in place of imported analogues. Also, the process of production of products made of high-strength and wear-resistant MAGSTRONG steels manufactured by PJSC MMK is established. Data on steel parameters do not concede, and sometimes surpasses the analogues of the world’s leading brands, which, combined with the company’s experience in the production of industrial metal structures, allows to ensure the highest quality of the final product.

Achievements and further growth
The company plans to further strengthen its position on the market of equipment for metallurgy, ore mining and processing industries and to enter the international level with this product. Work in this direction has been carried out for a long time, and considerable progress has already been made. Also, the company plans to resume production of another long-known LLC MRС products - tubing for mines and underground. In recent years, the output of this product has been significantly reduced, now, in connection with the commissioning of a high-performance molding line in the foundry, it was possible to return to this production. By analogy with metallurgy, Mekhanoremontnyi Сomplex considers options for delivery not only to Russia, but also to other countries. The enterprise has a lot of permits, certificates and licenses for the implementation of production activities, laboratory research and design work. In addition, the company has certificates of compliance with ISO 9001: 2015; ISO 14001: 2015; OHSAS 18001: 2007. The greatest reason for the MRC’s pride is the authenticity of the company. The identity of the goals of managers and executors is the cornerstone for the successful operation of any enterprise in any industry. Without observing this condition, the development of the company becomes an extremely difficult task. In Mekhanoremontnyi Сomplex, this condition is met at all levels of business processes. Regardless of job responsibilities and position, each employee is aware of the company’s goals and ways of achieving them, which ensures a comfortable, well-coordinated working atmosphere and allows achieving the best results.

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